We close at 4.45pm on the following dates to welcome private hires in March: 7th, 8th, 9th, 15th, 21st, 22nd, 28th and 29th.
Our carpets are being cleaned over the coming week, remember some spare socks to leave in if they are a little damp still!
1st Wed of every month SEND & Autism night 4pm – 6pm, we close to the general public at 4pm.
Book Your Visit Today
Open 7 days a week 9:30am – 6pm (closing time subject to change and close early with VIP Private Hires – see above notice for up to date early closings). Play will be limited to 2 hours during busy times.
Booking fee: 50p
Gift Vouchers
Looking for the ultimate family gift? Bursting with fantastic family fun no matter the weather all year round, a Digital Gift Voucher for Pirate’s Play Centre is the ultimate gift!